
This bouquet took our breath away! Look at this splendid array of fresh Carnation, Lilium, Eucalyptus, and Roses. Her breath-taking beauty is the reason why we named her Duchess. There are celebrations where you need to go all-in and Duchess will surely not disappoint.

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This bouquet took our breath away! Look at this splendid array of fresh Carnation, Lilium, Eucalyptus, and Roses. Her breath-taking beauty is the reason why we named her Duchess. There are celebrations where you need to go all-in and Duchess will surely not disappoint.
🌸  Carnation
🌸  Lilium
🌸  Local Roses
🌸  Eucalyptus
Approximate Height: 45-47 inches

Includes brand tag and message card.

LEAD TIME: We need at least 2 days to prepare and source the best quality of fresh flowers for this arrangement.

⚠️ NOTE: Items used in the actual product may vary depending on availability. However, our goal is to keep the overall look of the setup close to the above photos. Unavailable items may be replaced with something of equal or higher value.




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